Now offering LipoDissolve (Liquid Lipo) injections to complement your weight loss goals!

Wrinkle Relaxer - Crows Feet (Women)

Wrinkle Relaxer - Crows Feet (Women)


Wrinkle relaxers commonly known as Botox®, Dysport®, Jeuveau®, and Xeomin® when injected into the muscles around the eyes, relax fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes referred to as "Crow’s Feet." This results in the skin around the eyes looking smoother and younger. We offer the wrinkle relaxers Dysport® and Jeuveau® at Belle Wellness.

At Belle Wellness, we do not charge according to the amount of product utilized, like most other medical spas. Instead, we charge per area treated. If the medical practitioner determines that the client's results could be improved upon during the post treatment evaluation appointment, scheduled within two weeks of treatment, then we will perform a one time complimentary touch up.

When considering cost, clients should keep in mind that the effects of wrinkle relaxers do not last forever. If they wish to maintain the effects, they will have to return for regular injections every three to four months.

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